Matthew Sawyer Matthew Sawyer

Why is the United States So Diverse? Understanding America's Regional Differences

From the very beginning, the United States has never been truly united. Formed in 1776 from thirteen colonies that were practically separate nations, each had its own unique origins. The colonies were founded by immigrants from different regions of the British Isles, France, the Netherlands, and Spain, each with distinct religious, political, and ethnographic traits. These early settlers often saw themselves as competitors, and sometimes even enemies.

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Matthew Sawyer Matthew Sawyer

U.S. Market Expansion: Key Strategies for International Brands and Entrepreneurs

It's not enough to make a great product with a strong brand, get it on the shelf in a U.S. store or website, and hope it will sell itself. If people in the market have never heard of it, then you’ll need to invest in creating awareness with potential buyers and consumers. Otherwise, customers probably won’t notice or consider your product when they arrive at the store or online shopping website. The same is true if you are trying to sell a business product, technology, or service to Americans. Here are eight requirements for marketing for international brands and companies to establish a presence and

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Matthew Sawyer Matthew Sawyer

Strategic Marketers Needed In Confusing and Uncertain Times

The only thing clear in this confusing time of global conflicts, political uncertainty, climate crisis, and disruptive technologies is the need for radically new business thinking and strategies. Clearly, strategic marketers must play an important role, as they possess the analytic and creative skills needed to develop paths to sustainable business growth and profitability.

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Matthew Sawyer Matthew Sawyer

Are You Strong Enough to Do Business in America?

International companies need strong leaders to enter and expand in competitive U.S. markets. Learn four essential requirements for foreign-born executives and entrepreneurs to make it in america.

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Matthew Sawyer Matthew Sawyer

LumApps Successfully Enters USA Market and Wins $24M Funding

We applaud LumApps for securing $24MM in Series B financing after showing strong growth in the USA and other markets. We’re particularly proud, as two years ago Rocket Market Development LLC provided LumApps with market intelligence and go-to-market strategies that led to successfully entering and expanding in the USA market.

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